Although Terinati had gone to view the house on my behalf previously, I had not actually seen it until that day. My mouth dropped when we got inside; it was better than I thought it would be! Although it is only a little more space and our furniture does not put it to the best use, the house is beautiful. Possibly the most exciting thing was to finally have our own washer and drier so that we can do laundry whenever we need to, and not whenever there was not someone else using it. Additionally, the windows provide lighting such that we never need to turn on the lights during the day, and the lights with the house are sufficient so that we no longer needed our lamps, which we gave away to family we have out here. The hardest part has been organizing the guest room, which also harbors all of our bookshelves. I am currently in the process of entering all of our books into goodreads.com so that I can see which ones I have read and which ones I haven't.
The cats, on the other hand, had a much easier time settling in with their more practical furniture.

The cats, on the other hand, had a much easier time settling in with their more practical furniture.

Since moving in, I have done a ton of laundry because although most of our clothes had been packed clean, I am allergic to the dust that comes off of boxes and newspaper, so I have to wash them again before I can wear them. My Psychology of Women course also started a few days after our arrival, and our internet was set up just in time for me to get online and get to work! Otherwise, Terinati and I have had our eyes primarily on finding local jobs and have applied to many. Every day we try to apply for more jobs that appeal to us, but we have to wait to hear back from employers and every day longer it takes gives me more bad dreams about it, even though I feel sure we will be fine. :} I am just eager to have the tangible knowledge of being completely set.
Yesterday, however, we gave ourselves the day off to head to a local farmer's market and pick up some produce so that we could have family over for dinner and share it with them. Since I had rolled a random recipe to make before moving, I felt it was about time to get to it! The recipe was Light Cream of Mushroom Soup by Betty Crocker, and then I also chose to make a dessert: Strawberry Glace Pie, also by Betty Crocker. I was not expecting much from the soup, but it was fantastic! I forgot to take pictures (oops), but it was so good! I have never had mushroom soup so good before, so I will definitely make it again in the future. The pie was also surprisingly easy to make, and I wish I had made two because it was so awesome that I could not believe that I had made it myself.

So, I'm sorry there is not anything too interesting to report. I suspect things will be more interesting when we have more work and, consequently, get out of the house more. Meanwhile, the next random recipe off of my Excel spreadsheet is Cranberry Spinach Salad, a recipe I obtained from a coworker before I moved. It is meant to only be an appetizer, so we'll see about adding something else to mix and such.
Take care!
Yesterday, however, we gave ourselves the day off to head to a local farmer's market and pick up some produce so that we could have family over for dinner and share it with them. Since I had rolled a random recipe to make before moving, I felt it was about time to get to it! The recipe was Light Cream of Mushroom Soup by Betty Crocker, and then I also chose to make a dessert: Strawberry Glace Pie, also by Betty Crocker. I was not expecting much from the soup, but it was fantastic! I forgot to take pictures (oops), but it was so good! I have never had mushroom soup so good before, so I will definitely make it again in the future. The pie was also surprisingly easy to make, and I wish I had made two because it was so awesome that I could not believe that I had made it myself.

So, I'm sorry there is not anything too interesting to report. I suspect things will be more interesting when we have more work and, consequently, get out of the house more. Meanwhile, the next random recipe off of my Excel spreadsheet is Cranberry Spinach Salad, a recipe I obtained from a coworker before I moved. It is meant to only be an appetizer, so we'll see about adding something else to mix and such.
Take care!
Yahoo Babelfish Translation to Japanese:
同様に多くの原料が付いている道の3日後で私達が車で詰め込むことができると含まれていた2匹の猫私達は私達の新しい家に最終的にそれを作った。 運転の14時間日は猫がいかにをそんなにしていたか私が心配しなかったら私達が持っている程に特に私達が容易に眠らなかったので、かなり荒かった。 但し、猫は全体の旅行のために非常によくし、到着に家を幸福に受け入れた。 :)
Terinatiが私の為の家を前に見ることを行ったが私は実際にその日までのそれを見なかった。 私の口は私達が中得たときに落ちた; それはそれ考えられたIがあるよりよかった! それがややより多くのスペースだけであり、私達の家具が最もよい使用にそれを置かないが、家は美しい。 おそらく最も刺激的な事は私達が必要とする、ない時はいつでも誰か他の人がそれを使用してなかった時はいつでも最終的に私達が洗濯をしてもいいように私達 の自身の洗濯機およびドライヤーを持つことであり。 さらに、窓は私達がもはや私達が私達はここにいる家族に与えた私達のランプを必要としなかったように私達が決してライトを日中つける必要はない家が付いて いるライトは十分であることそのような物をつけることを提供し。 最も堅い部分はまた私達の本だなすべてを隠すずっと客室を組織している。 私はgoodreads.comに私達の本にすべてを入ることの過程において私が読み、どれないどれが私が見ることができるように現在ある。
移動以来、私は私達の衣服のほとんどがずっと詰められたきれいであるが、私が私がそれらを身に着けてもいい前に箱および新聞の取れる、従って私はそれらを 再度洗浄しなければならない塵にアレルギーであるので洗濯のトンをした。 女性の私の心理学はまた数日私達の到着の後の始められて流れ、私達のインターネットは私に間に合うようにオンラインになり、働くことを得るようにちょうど セットアップされた! さもなければ、Terinatiにおよび私にローカル仕事を見つけることの私達の目が主にあり、多数に適用した。 私が感じるのに、毎日私達は私達に、本当に私達は良いことを私達は雇用者から聞くために待たなければなり、訴えるが毎日のより長い与える私にそれについて のより悪い夢を取るより多くの仕事に適用することを試みる。 :} 私は完全に配置の有形知識を持ってちょうど熱望している。
しかし昨日私達はローカルfarmer'に頭部に私達自身に休日を与えた; sの市場は私達に夕食のために家族がいそしてそれらとそれを共有できるように農産物を取り。 動く前に私が作るために任意調理法を転がしたので私は感じたそれに得る時間についてあったことを! 調理法はベティCrockerによってマッシュルーム・スープの軽いクリーム行い、それから私はまたデザートを作ることを選んだ: ベティCrocker著いちごのGlaceパイ、また。 私はスープからの多くを期待していなかったが、素晴らしかった! 私は映像(oops)を撮ることを忘れていたがそれはとてもよかった! 私は決してマッシュルーム・スープを従っての前によい食べたあらないことは、従って私は完全にそれを将来再度作る。 パイはまた作り意外にも易く私が私はそれを自分自身作ったことを信じることができなかったほどそれが驚くばかりだったので私が2つを作ったことを私は望 む。
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