I have been remiss in my posting! But, to be fair, a lot has been going on. As you can see from the above shot, we finally got to the Ren Faire for the last weekend, Chivalry Weekend, to celebrate my birthday. Yes, a bit late, but it was the first day Terinati had off. The group included Kyriel, myself, Terinati, Anna, and Adam, and we actually stayed the entire day! :o But, that should tell you how fun it was! Huzzah!
I was relieved that the boys had as much fun as they did. There are many games at the Ren Faire, but usually they're the last thing I think about when I've gone in the past. In fact, I may not have even noticed them, really. :} I was always more interested in the shows and the shopping. But, watching Adam and Terinati play was really enjoyable. I really think they had a great time together. :)
And yes, jesting is pretty normal at the ren faire. It's all very good-natured, and very contangeous. ;)
We visited many shops, had WAY too much to eat (turkey legs, funnel cake, pretzels, ice cream, cream puffs, nuts, etc.). Terinati and I met with a gypsy who was very nice, too! It was pretty cool.
Also, Terinati found a Ren Faire costume! They sure aren't cheap, but he looks awfully good in it, no? :)
Also, Terinati found a Ren Faire costume! They sure aren't cheap, but he looks awfully good in it, no? :)
And, while I didn't wear a costume, I did have my face painted. Isn't it awesome?! I'm thinking of modifying it for the wedding! It's just sooooo pretty (and I'm not big on traditional makeup and I had this sort of vision in mind anyway).

I was really sad to wash off such an intense design. Kudos to the artist!
We ended the day with the joust, where no one fell off their horses, although one guy got a javelin stuck in his shirt, and it looked like it really hurt. :o I hope he was okay! You can barely make it out in the second video right before it slides down.
I was really sad to wash off such an intense design. Kudos to the artist!
We ended the day with the joust, where no one fell off their horses, although one guy got a javelin stuck in his shirt, and it looked like it really hurt. :o I hope he was okay! You can barely make it out in the second video right before it slides down.
That was such a fun day. It was one of those where you know it's good because you're sad you have to end it, but at the same time ending it sooner rather than later is really for the best.
The Fitness Challenge continues! I currently have 14 points to Terinati's 12, although I think I'll be gaining a bigger lead after this week. Thanks to joining Spark, it occurred to me that I could safely break up my workouts throughout the day, and that has been REALLY going well for me. Also, thanks to Professor Pinel (I LOVE YOUR BOOK!!! I AM YOUR NERDY FAN!!) , I've taken lunches out of my life. That's right! I only eat breakfast and dinner now, and drink water the rest of the day. Increasing the fasting period is easier on my body, and it makes it so much easier to resist evil temptations at work, like candy by the desk or pastries that get brought in. I'm eating healthier and feeling SOOO much better and am more energetic. And, I still eat the same sized dinners and breakfasts, so I'm not overeating as much as I used to either. It was a gradual process, but so far it's had success. I think the hardest part has been that everyone else I know still eats lunches, and I think some people worry that I have some kind of eating disorder (trust me, if you saw what I had for dinner most nights, you would NOT worry :} ) or feel awkward. * shrug * It's healthier for me and it's working, so I'm not changing it, though. :)
On Monday, I had an endoscopy. It was really a strange experience. Nothing shows you just how tense you are the rest of the time like being on anesthesia. Also, IVs hurt. I wasn't expecting that at all! I thought it'd be like getting a shot, but I still have a bruise from it and it was sore for two days after. Pulling my rollling backpack down the street on the first day after was really tough! On the other hand, the pictures are really cool and I'm saving them for any other biopsychology studies that I do.
So, yeah. That's part of why I've been so busy. I received another 4.0 in my Biopsychology class (it's really cool when your grades add up to be 99.xx%!), so huzzah! And now I'm learning Industrial/Organizational Psychology. I've already learned some interesting stuff about that, but wish me luck! But, for today, I need to focus on preparing for our Halloween party tomorrow evening! :o Wish me luck!