While I didn't make cake, I did make cookies. Double-chocolate, white-chocolate chunk cookies with pecans.
The best part was seeing Illuminique smile. I think she really had fun. :)
There's just something really great about celebrating someone else and seeing them happy. * smile * I'm always surprised when I meet someone who thinks of it as a chore. Working hard that day was really great for everyone, though!
I can't wait for more of her artwork to come out! Someday, when there is a website, I will link it and you will be AMAZED by this lady's brilliance! :) Beyond being a wonderful friend worth celebrating, she has real talent. I just know she's going to do great things. Yay, Illuminique!! =^--^=
Updates on my goals!
2.) Finish composing “We Are One” for the wedding in June so that it can be recorded in the studio.
01/26/09 - finally satisfied with the lyrics while waiting all day in the jury lounge.
01/31/09 - changed the key and chord progression. Simplifying the background parts as the complex parts were getting in the way of the message of the song.
7.) Get rid of the stuff in the apartment I no longer want! It’s time to remove the clutter and be who I really am. Time to let go!
Terinati took out my clothes and donated them to a drive that was going on in our apartment complex.
9.) Find as much stuff to unlock in Wii Fit and My Fitness Coach as possible (I’ll warn of any spoilers when I post about this in the future, because I really don’t like having things spoiled for me).
10.) Exercise regularly. I don’t like scheduling it on M, W, F or anything like that, but as long as I do it 3 or more times a week, I think that’s good. Monotony of using the same days every week makes me just plain not want to do it (one of the problems I have with My Fitness Coach).
Routine schedule: M-Wii Fit, T-My Fitness Coach, W-Random (DVD/whatever practical workout comes my way), Th-My Fitness Coach, F-Wii Fit
15.) Get my MUSH really up and running with people and at least one monthly activity to share that will bring the community together. The MUSH is up, really; I’m just scared to show it to anyone right now. :} Because there’s nothing to do in it other than role-play table-top games.
Computer doing the serving will no longer stay on. :/ Working on fixing with Terinati.
23.) Make some time for Terinat’s games, like LOTRO. I think my first step is getting comfortable playing it by myself instead of just jumping in to everyone who’s really been into it all along, know the lore, etc. When I start something new, I need to take my time, read everything, and really get it for myself before I can enjoy it with someone else. Perhaps an hour a week is a decent starting point. (Heehee, I think most people probably set goals to play games less . . . I feel like Mr. Guder, here)
01/20/09 - Hunter reached level 10!
26.) Take more time to listen to myself, silently. This is hard for me, sometimes. I think if I take five minutes a week, that’s pretty good.
01/24/09 & 02/01/09 - Took a lot of time for this.
27.) Continue to work on not taking the negativity of others personally; it’s usually not even about me. Focus on being who I am and doing what I believe is right without participating in the negativity.
01/27/09 - some co-workers tried to throw me under the bus while I wasn't even in because of jury duty. Didn't take it personally, and it ended well! :)
31.) Spend more time caring for Stardust and Tatsu. I need to figure out a less time-consuming routine, though we definitely do our best with them.
I've been brushing them regularly, decided to bathe them once a month, and have been keeping up on their Soft Paws daily!
39.) Update my Netflix List more regularly. Sometimes I forget about it. Not a big goal, but there is an agenda behind it. :)
01/24/09 - Updated! Now, to keep an eye on it!
53.) Be more green. I’ve worked hard on this in the past year, both at work and at home, but I can do more, and it’ll help with reducing clutter. (lol, I’ll defy gravity!)
01/19/09 - purchased a mostly recycled toothbrush by Recycline.
57.) I will look up words that I don’t know so long as I have access to some sort of dictionary. I don’t anticipate remembering them all, but I’m not satisfied with using context all of the time anymore. I’ve already learned that doing a word a day doesn’t help me.
New ones (20, so far)
70.) I will continue to give back, even if I’m no longer able to do so through TOPs for whatever reason.
Donated clothes in a drive our apartment building was putting on (January).
71.) They say that meeting our goals is a reward unto itself. However, I also know that positive reinforcement is important for our relationships with ourselves because we tend to be harder on ourselves than anyone else could ever be. In order to stop the “I suck” voice, I will implement a reward system for completing my goals (the small ones on the path to larger ones and the larger ones).
01/24/09 - Ordered my charm necklace and my first charm for working on this goal list; a 2009 charm! :) Also got those little ring thingies to put it on with. :}
76.) Check Soft Paws on Tatsu and Stardust daily, even if I can’t get to the other stuff (goal #31).
01/20/09 - put Soft Paws on the cats... and then ran out. d'oh!
01/21/09 - ordered more Soft Paws! Black and White for the little man, red and pink for Stardust (Valentine's Day).
01/27/09 - new Soft Paws arrived yesterday, and I updated Tatsu and Stardust's paws! Huzzah!
Been doing this daily since. :)
87.) Get a stainless steel water bottle. None of the woes of plastic use, but still keeping hydrated!
COMPLETED! On 01/27/09, after work, Terinati and I were in the store and I saw some stainless steel water bottles nestled into a hidden place and pointed them out. We both got one! :)